Hi ! I'm a 27 y/o lead SRE currently working at Theodo Cloud in Paris.
I'm currently tinkering with Go, Kubernetes and NixOS.
👨🏻💻 Work experience
Lead Site Reliability Engineer @ Theodo Cloud
Paris, France – (Feb 2021 - Present)
Internship (6 month) then full-time
Theodo Cloud supports you on your journey to the cloud. We build, scale and secure your infrastructure to match your business needs and help your devs to deliver faster.
During my time at Theodo Cloud, I have participated in numerous client projects, including :
- Completing a full migration from on-prem to AWS of a large ecommerce SaaS
- Created 5 new AWS environments and a hub-and-spoke network using AWS transit gateway and Terraform / Terragrunt
- Synchronized 8 heavily used multiple TB databases using CloudNativePG operator on EKS
- Deployed 200+ applications on 5 Kubernetes clusters using ArgoCD
- Maintaining the AWS infrastructure of a public investment bank
- Creating GitLabCI pipelines and AWS resources to help ~15 developer teams deploy new features
- Continuous update and maintenance of 8 Kubernetes clusters
- Migrating 4 Kubernetes clusters to GitOps deployment using ArgoCD
- Creating a landing zone for the AWS migration of an airline company
- Deployed AWS Control Tower and AFT to provision dozens of feature accounts using Terraform
- Created a hub-and-spoke with on-prem connectivity using AWS Transit Gateway and AWS Site-2-Site VPN
- Provisioned support resources (Route53 zones, certificates, lambda layers) to ~5 serverless developer teams
I have developed my current skillset during these projects and around 15 others.
As a Lead SRE at Theodo Cloud, my responsibilities revolve around client projects. For each project, my tasks include:
- Defining measurable objectives to assess the project's success
- Creating and maintaining a roadmap outlining all the technical tasks needed to achieve the objectives
- Refining the targeted architecture designed during the project’s sale
- Detailing each technical task with its steps and acceptance criteria
- Leading a team of 1-2 SREs to complete the technical tasks
- Regularly attending meetings with the client to discuss the roadmap / objective and assess of its success.
In addition to my projects and role at Theodo Cloud, my other contributions include:
- Authoring multiple articles in Theodo Cloud’s tech radar
- Creating and teaching a Zero Trust networking course
- Developing guacamole, an open-source Terraform / Terragrunt code quality assessment tool
- Coaching colleagues on their career progression at Theodo Cloud
- Authoring technical blog articles and coaching colleagues on their writing
- Helping Theodo Cloud obtain its ISO27001 / HDS certification by being reponsible of a part of the ISO27001 perimeter.
Full-stack Developer @ Pricemoov
Paris, France - (Sep. 2019 - Jun. 2020)
Internship (6 month) then freelance (3 months)
Pricemoov helps you grow your sales by optimizing your pricing strategy.
At Pricemoov, my primary tasks included:
- Implementing new frontend and backend features for Pricemoov's product using React.js and Django.
- Creating pricing data pipelines using Dataiku DSS and SQL.
- Setting up web crawlers to gather pricing data using Python and Scrapy.
Full-stack Developer @ Idemia
Issy-les-Moulineaux, France (Apr. 2018, June 2018)
Internship (2.5 months)
Idemia builds identity and security technologies.
At Idemia, my primary tasks included:
- Developing a web application to interface with an ID document authentication server using computer vision using Node.js
- Integrating various identity sensors (finger, face, and signature scans) into a demonstration app using C#
🤹🏻♂️ Skills
☸️ Kubernetes
- Expertise in AWS EKS
- Autoscaling with Karpenter
- GitOps deployment with ArgoCD
🐳 Containers
- Image and Docker Compose config
- AWS ECS / Google Cloud Run
- Multi-stage image build
☁️ AWS
- Hub-and-spoke network
- Control Tower, SSO and Organizations
- Managed services (S3, EFS, Elasticache, AmazonMQ…)
🏭 Infrastructure
- Expertise in Terraform
- Module & layers architecture with Terragrunt
📊 Observability
- Prometheus / Grafana
- ElasticSearch / Kibana
- Datadog
- GitLabCI pipelines
- GitHub Actions pipelines
- Integration of cloud provider IAM
⌨️ Development
- Go
- JavaScript
- Bash
- Python
🐧 Linux
- NixOS
- Arch
- Ubuntu
- Debian
💾 PostgreSQL
- CloudNativePG operator
Some open-source projects I’ve contributed or developed :
- I’m a package maintainer on the nixpkgs package registry (my contributions)
- homelab-gitops : My personal k8s homelab managed by ArgoCD
- nixos-config : Configuration files for all my NixOS computers
- tailout : Tool to create a VPN on any AWS region with Tailscale
📜 Certifications
☸️ Certified Kubernetes Administrator - June 2021 (expired)
🎓 Education
Engineering degree in Computer Science @ UTC
Compiègne, France (2018 - 2021)
Major : Networks and Systems
Courses : algorithmics, statistics, web development, cyber-resilience, data visualization, networks, databases
Volunteering : backend development of the 2019 edition’s website of the Imaginarium Festival
University degree in Computer science @ IUT Villetaneuse
Villetaneuse, France (2016 - 2018)
Major : Advanced Mathematics
Courses : algorithmics, optimization, databases, web development, OOP, economics
Sports : Won team 3rd place at the 2018 archery national university championship
Baccalauréat in Sciences @ Lycée Pissarro
Lycée Camille Pissarro, Pontoise, France (2012, 2015)
🗒️ Articles
My contributions to Theodo Cloud’s technical blog.